Equipped to Serve: Yolanda’s Story
Yolanda Godinez’s life has been far from a cakewalk. After her husband passed away, she became a single mom to her nine children.
For a while, she struggled to provide for her family. However, with God’s help and Mission: Hope’s support, she’s made significant strides despite her limited income.
Yolanda lives in Kansas City, a remote Nicaraguan village. She’s a leader in her local Catholic church and began participating in Mission: Hope’s Transformation Curriculum workshops with the aim of growing her faith and improving her leadership skills.
Despite being illiterate, Yolanda has learned a lot from the classes, which Pastor Álvaro teaches. As a result of participating in the workshops, she has grown in her faith and feels better equipped to serve and lead in her community.
“Overall, Yolanda feels that the Transformation Curriculum has been one of the best programs for her and other church leaders, despite the fact that many are illiterate. ”
One of the primary ways Yolanda serves in her church is as a marriage advisor. In this role, she helps couples understand the church’s requirements before receiving the sacrament of marriage. In addition, she helps them prepare for the commitment they’re making, as well as the challenges and difficulties they will likely face.
Overall, Yolanda feels that the Transformation Curriculum has been one of the best programs for her and other church leaders, despite the fact that many are illiterate.
She’s also grateful to Mission: Hope for providing seeds to her and other villagers so they can take advantage of this month’s planting cycle. This guarantees a sustainable supply of food for her and many other households.
Yolanda hopes that Mission: Hope’s projects will continue to help the neediest in their community thrive, both physically and spiritually.
Help us continue to equip more indigenous leaders like Yolanda to be agents of positive change in their communities by joining Compass, our community of monthly givers dedicated to helping us bring holistic, life-changing impact to families in remote villages across the globe.