Transformation Center

Help us build a Transformation Center

The Transformation Center will serve as a vocational training center for community members, a venue for gatherings and discipleship among local churches and leaders from Hato Mayor, and a basecamp of operations for our local staff.

 You're invited to help us preserve the legacy Ben Mathes began through Mission: Hope and ROW over 25 years ago. With your donation, you and your family will get a brick that will be engraved and built into our Transformation Center in the Dominican Republic: a vocational training center for community members, a venue for gatherings and discipleship among local churches and leaders from Hato Mayor, and a basecamp of operations for our local staff. With your help, we can continue to build on Ben's legacy for another 25 years!

Giving Options:

$ 50

to get an engraved brick on the walkway of the Transformation Center with you (or your family's) name and scripture of choice.

$ 150

to have your dedicated brick next to the entranceway of the Transformation Center and receive a Mission: Hope/ROW legacy t-shirt.

$ 500

for a family plaque in the entranceway of the building and a photo book of transformation in the community.